Jasmine Cederqvist
Developer of the art and nature method for Ung SciShop
Jasmine is a multidisciplinary artist that describe herself as a traveler between artistic and scientific modes of perceiving the world. This together with her MSci in biology at Lund University and many years of educational activities form the basis of the Ung SciShop model.
https://www.jasminecederqvist.se/Kerstin Jakobsson
Project manager for Ung SciShop
Kerstin is operations manager for ARNA and has an MFA in textile art from HDK at the University of Gothenburg. She contributes to the development of Ung SciShop with her experiences from a long career as a visionary developer within the cultural dimension of sustainability.
Watch Jasmine Cederqvist talk about how creative work outdoors is used in Ung SciShop as a tool to process theoretical knowledge about nature and sustainable development in a way that connects head, heart and hand.
Ett varm tack från ARNA till alla samarbetspartners, ungdomar, pedagoger och organisationer som bidrar
med sina olika kompetenser till att utveckla Ung SciShop och till Allmänna arvsfonden för projektstödet!
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