Grade 1 - 3 in Harlösa

The students in years 1-3 in Harlösa school worked on water issues in the local area and started by exploring and photographing Skönadalsbäcken two by two. Afterwards, the groups reflected together on what they discovered and chose to photograph. Each student had to select one of their photos which was printed in A4 format and displayed as a photo exhibition at Skönadalsbäcken that evening in connection with the Biosphere Festival. At the end, the three classes presented their work to visitors from Lund University, a researcher and a master's student from India, which led to conversations about water both in the childrens local area and in India.

Where did the water in the stream go?!

Skönadalsbäcken in Harlösa has large differences in the amount of water during the year. The stream ravine quickly collects rainwater, but in dry summers it can also completely dry out. The children in Harlösa visited the stream when it was both dry and full, which provided great opportunities to talk about where the water went and about the water cycle. The teachers also expanded the work with different kinds of water experiments adapted to the different ages.

The stream goes to the river and then to the sea

Students in Grades 1-3 use jeans legs as a canvas and natural materials from the site as paint to depict how Skönadalsbäcken finds its way down the hill in Harlösa. The stream then flows into Kävlingeån, which slowly moves towards Öresund in the middle of the agriculturally dense Storkriket. The students gathered at their works to film the entire artwork. The artwork had to remain until the evening's public activity as part of the Biosphere Festival. The recycled jeans were used to highlight the large amounts of water used in production, such as textiles.