During the second year of operation, Ung SciShop worked with water as a theme in classes at primary level, in Vollsjöskolan in Sjöbo municipality and with Harlösa school in Eslövs municipality. Both villages have a watercourse near the schools. In Storkriket there is also Lake Vombsjön, which provides drinking water to most of the children's homes. This provided a fantastic starting point to talk about the importance of water for all living things, what happens when there is a drought and how important it is to be careful with water for a sustainable future. The feedback from LUCSUS at Lund University became a short film about the water in our kitchen taps in different countries.
The water in nearby watercourses provided concrete opportunities to work with the water cycle.
The opening riddle: "I am found almost everywhere on the globe. Yet for many it may be difficult to find me and for others I am too much. What am I?"
The primary school children in Harlösa chose to explore water issues in the local area through a photo safari in Skönadalsbäcken and they shaped the path of the stream towards the sea through Land art.
The class worked with water issues from a global perspective. They investigated why people did rain dances during droughts and sent bark boats with personal messages to the future in Vollsjöån.
The classes in Harlösa and Vollsjö worked in different ways with the water cycle as a theme. This short film shows how it can be illustrated with the help of pieces of fabric from old jeans, which at the same time gives the opportunity to talk about how much water is used in the manufacture of jeans.
Lund University answers children's questions about water in different parts of the world Ung SciShop is based on children's curiosity and questions about sustainable development. The children in Vollsjö and Harlösa wondered about the water in homes in other countries and whether you can drink it. Ann Åkerman, researcher at Lund University gives answers and some of her international students, Anisha Tibdewal from India, Valeska Götz from Germany and Valeskas Vinskas from Lithuania, give examples of water management in different countries.
In Harlösa, an exhibition was arranged of primary school students' photos from the stream and their Land Art that depicted its water, how it flows with life and is part of the water cycle.
"Mötesplats Biosfär" was the first national biosphere conference with the aim to strengthen cooperation between academia and Sweden's biosphere reserves. The conference was arranged 10 - 12 October 2022 in Skåne and Västerbotten - part of Sápmi, as a joint hybrid conference. Ung SciShop participated in the planning of youth-oriented work in the conference and with a presentation live at Naturum in Kristianstad Vattenrike.
Each operating year is based on a theme that is adapted to the current curriculum. The practical work is developed together with the teachers involved and to the special needs found in individual classes. The feedback from the classes and their teachers shapes the next year's work.
Land Art is an art form where you create temporary art with natural materials. By using all the senses out in nature, curiosity about the connections in nature is stimulated and anchoring points are created for fact-based knowledge that stays in the memory for a long time.
LUCSUS is an interdisciplinary center for research, education and collaboration at Lund University that works to understand and explain complex and urgent sustainability challenges.
LUCSUS at Lund university
Masterprogramme LUMES
Org.nr 802462-7047
Kontorshuset Lidvägen 16
24164 Harlösa