Reports, articles and activities that inspired the development of the Ung SciShop-project.
The House of Youth Citizen Social Science – a Framework
The European sustainability competence framework
Förskolelärare får stöd i att lära barn om hållbarhet
20 mars 2023
Artikel med rapport från Linköpings universitet
Biodiverse är tidningen för dig som är intresserad av kunskap och forskning om biologisk mångfald, miljö och naturvård. Genom Biodiverse gör vi kunskap tillgänglig för alla.
6 juli 2023
Humus economicus: on soil blindness and the value of soil in urbanized areas landscape.
Where: Sweden
Soil is in many cases a blind spot and something that is easily taken for granted. It lies quietly under our feet. This anonymous environment has also more poetically called the thin skin of the globe, a thin layer
which constitute an unknown universe of teeming life performing a unceasing climate work. It is this work, done by the soils of the forests, fields and wetlands, we need to get keep an eye out for.
Where: Lithuania
The Kulturos Dirbtuve (KD) team is united by the MISSION to reveal and empower the biocultural uniqueness of places by stimulating people’s curiosity and inspiring them to take action for the thriving of the living systems in urbanised territories.
Where: Oregon, US
Sitka's Workshop Program, May through September, provides people of all levels the transformative and joyful experience of making art and exploring their connections to nature.
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